1 Kings (Adults)

Chapter 21

Lesson written by Earl Johnson

Also read 2 Chronicles 17

  1. Why did Ahab offer to buy Naboth’s vineyard?

  2. Why did Naboth refuse Ahab’s offer?

  3. What did Jezebel promise her husband?

  4. How did she keep her promise?

  5. What doom was pronounced on Ahab and Jezebel?

  6. How did Ahab respond to this news?

  7. What concession did God make in His prophecy?

  8. How did Jehoshaphat walk before God?

  9. How did God bless Jehoshaphat for his faithfulness?

  10. How did the neighboring nations feel toward Judah?

  11. How many fighting men were in Jehoshaphat’s army?